CD Instructions
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Directions to open

To view a specific Galley

Moving within the Pedigree Chart

Other Features

To Do a Report

Exit program


  Galley Genealogy CD

This is a READ only CD.  You cannot enter data or change it.  If you have corrections or additions please email Harry Galley at or Debbie Walsh at   Feel free to contact either of us with any questions on this program.  This is to protect and  keep a pure copy of our family genealogy.



Directions to open

Put CD into drive on computer.

The Swiss Galli Crest will appear.

Choose View Family Tree

A pedigree chart will appear with a Galley name

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To view a specific Galley:

Go to the magnifying glass on the icon shelf at the top of the page and click search

A list of names will appear – simply begin typing the persons name you are searching for

Last name first then first name  Ex. Type in Galley,David  put the comma between name

That name should appear on the list (if there is more than one person with that name, you will have to look at the birthdates to figure which one you want)

Once the name is showing on the list and is highlighted - HIT SELECT on the bottom right part of that box.

A pedigree chart for that person will appear. 

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Moving within the Pedigree Chart

Use arrows to go ahead a generation or back.  Only one Child will appear at a time

To look for other children, the person highlighted will be listed at the top of the page with their vitals and information. To the left of that box it will say Spouse, clicking on the spouse will also show you the children.  You can switch to one of the children by highlighting them and then below that select “Switch to Highlighted Person”.

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To Do a Report

Highlight the person you wish to begin the report with (earliest person)

Go to the top icon tray and choose REPORTS

Chose on the Left side which report you would like to try.  It will prompt you to chose the people to report on and the parameters of the report.  Then Generate the report. 

Once the report is presented you can print it or you return to the pedigree chart simply by hitting Close at the top Right corner of the Report.

 The relationship chart is a great report to see your direct lines back.  Simply choose yourself and your most distant ancestor and it will produce that report.  Don’t be afraid to try different things.  Worst case you take the CD out and start over if you get stuck. 
Exit program:  to get out of the program hit Exit on the Top Right icon bar.

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Other Features
The top icon bar has things you can look at for each person such as NOTES on that person, photo’s (if we have one), and current address. 


Remember the Galle spelling is the German lines and the Galli spelling is the Swiss

Only the direct Galle and Galli lines from Peter were included on this CD.

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